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Merthyr Mawr Pudding Run

Methry Mawr Pudding run is organised by Brackla Harriers and is a popular event. This year was no exception with 650 places selling out in 25 minutes. Some runners turn up to race it, others for the mulled wine, minced pies and Christmas spirit.

It’s 6 miles (approx.) of mixed trail and is possibly one of the toughest starts I know. The race briefing is given at the base of The Big dipper, one of the highest sand dunes in Europe with toughies such as the welsh Rugby squad using it as a training ground, not to mention Steve Ovette and our own Pocket Rocket Juliet.

There’s two ways of running this this course, superfast and at the front or fun run at the back because as soon as you hit the top of the dipper it bottle necks and can take a few minutes to clear, even then it’s a narrow sandy path back down until it eventually opens up and you cross back over a small stream onto the forest paths. When I finally get up and over I hang back to run with a club mate, who’s a fierce runner and we head off down the road and amble over the open fields, cross the bridge over the Ewenny river and back onto open road, it really is a mixed trail. The very kind marshals stop the traffic in order for us to cross before we start the second climb, on gravel path this time, up onto open heathland, giving spectacular views of Merthyr Mawr and Ogmor. Here we run alongside Southerndown Golf course with many a golfer giving us sidelong glances, to be fair the majority of us in some kind of fancy dress, Christmas being the theme and looking somewhat out of place. We pass the Mountain Rescue gang who cheer us on until we make our way back down to, what some might class as the important part of the race (or maybe it’s just me), the mulled wine station. Amazingly it’s warm, a welcome treat after being up on the windy common. There is also water on offer with mince pies and jelly beans. We head back across the road to make our way along side the muddy riverbank and back into the dunes. Up ahead I hear screams, as I’ve done this run before I know what’s coming up. The route takes us along a stream, by along I mean in. It’s cold, it’s wet (obviously) and deep. Thankfully it’s only a short distance and you're soon scrambling up out.....until you turn a corner and find you have to cross it again – cue mores screams. From hear it’s a short spurt onto the finish line. This part of the trail has plenty marshals, spectators and fasties cheering you on. As you finish you are handed a goodie bag inclusive of a Christmas pudding.

It’s a well organised run with a friendly festive atmosphere. Prizes go to the King and Queen of the dipper as well as the usual categories.


Meet the team, Pocket Rocket, Trail Blazer and Insane Bolt here

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